Tuesday, March 22, 2011

by popular demand:

my beautiful and adoring sister bugged me about being too ADD to keep up a blog for long...she's probably right but for now I am posting this just to prove her wrong because that's what big brothers are for!

so my excuse is that I was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for 4 days last week. it was amazing! i wish i could post pictures but unfortunately i took my camera and then forgot that it existed. i think my new adopted little sis Courtney probably took some. she is a great photographer so if you are friends with her or fans of Zao photography on facebook you can probably see some cool pictures on there in the future.

Jackson was AMAZING! i am NOT a fan of snow but i discovered that if you dont have to live in it every day, it isn't so bad if you are just visiting. i spent a 4 straight days skiing, playing cards, swing dancing, meeting new friends and exploring the various restuarants in town and i cant remember the last time i had that much fun! thanks so much to Kenton and Jen for giving up their home for us, Shannon and co. for showing us around and everyone there for treating us like old friends even though i didnt know you at this time last week!!

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